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Unleash your creativity

Emergency Vehicle Creator is a tool designed to help you create the vehicles you have always dreamed of. Get rid of the complex web of laggy and hard-to-read scripts, and start creating your vehicles with ease.

Emergency Vehicle Creator provides a simple and robust interface to create your vehicles, with a wide range of customization options. Easily create those flashing lights you dreamed of, or fading lights, or even rotating lights.

No coding required, just your creativity. Start creating your vehicles today.


This documentation is still a work in progress. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Advantages of Emergency Vehicle Creator

Easy to Use

Emergency Vehicle Creator is designed to be clean and easy to use. No need to write complex scripts. Just use the simple interface to create your vehicles.

We provide a simple user-friendly interface that is focused on simplifying the creation and customization of your lighting patterns. This completely removes the need for manually writing scripts, and allows you to focus on creating your vehicles.

We also provide the ability to create, save, and load different lighting patterns inside the plugin. This feature significantly reduces the time required to create your vehicles, and allows you to easily switch between different lighting patterns.

Enhanced Functionality

Emergency Vehicle Creator provides support for A-Chassis and AG-Chassis out of the box. This allows you to easily create custom lighting patterns on all your vehicles without having to work around the limitations of the chassis.

The plugin also provides advanced features like light synchronization which can be painful to implement manually. These features enhance the realism of your emergency vehicles and make them stand out in game.

Less Errors, More Consistent, Full Support

Emergency Vehicle Creator is designed to be error-free. We have spent countless hours testing the plugin to ensure that it is bug-free. However, we understand that errors can still occur.

To help solve any problems we provide full support for the plugin. If you encounter any issues, feel free to contact us and we will help you resolve them.

Ontop of this, Emergency Vehicle Creator allows for consistency in your vehicles. No longer will you have to juggle around different lighting frameworks, Emergency Vehicle Creator provides a single framework for all your vehicles. This helps reduce errors and inconsistencies in your vehicles.

Interested in Emergency Vehicle Creator?

If you are interested in Emergency Vehicle Creator, you can download it from the Roblox Marketplace.

Welcome to the Emergency Vehicle Creator community!

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