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The most important credit for Emergency Vehicle Creator is the YOU! You guys are the ones who make this plugin possible. Without you, this plugin would not be where it is today. So thank you for using Emergency Vehicle Creator!

As for everyone else:


Name Brief Links
Parker Parker The creator of Emergency Vehicle Creator. GitHub

Home Page Videos

Name Brief Links
MiataVxbe Created 2 vehicles shown in the hompage video Discord: miatavxbe
BoltedChase Created 1 vehicle shown in the homepage video Discord: boltedchase
hypcr3 Created 3 vehicles shown in the homepage video Discord: hypcr3
Parker Created 2 vehicle shown in the homepage video Discord: parker02311


Name Brief Links


  • V4_0Z
  • mopsagfh (state_trooper12)
  • SnowGlobeYT1
  • Sam (infinityinnovator)
  • Reese (msfsaviator)
  • Bacon (ravenpopo)
  • DragosThyBeast (dragosofficial)
  • Jay (dillpickle2651)
  • Canada_Enforcer (calebh6)
  • Operator_Ace (berryboyau)
  • Phantom81 (fantap.)
  • AllStar (litrey_savage)
  • RetiredSubaru
  • coolboyjtuh
  • drowsii (miatavxbe)
  • Boltedchase
  • Ryan (r3sponsiveryan)
  • whoreallycaresanymore
  • NewPlayerqwerty (a.member)

Special Thanks

  • Siren Tool (Dawnstar) - Original Inspiration
  • EasyLS (EasyLS Studios) - Driving Improvement (By creating competition)